Auto Body Repair Shops vs Dealerships: Which is Better?

body shop vs dealership

When you own a new car in the USA, you often have a perpetual debate whenever your vehicle requires maintenance. The recurring question is whether to head to the dealership for repairs or opt for an independent auto body repair shop. This ongoing dilemma resonates among car owners nationwide, with opinions split down the middle. Half swear by dealerships, while the other half says for independent shops. Both choices come with their own set of advantages and drawbacks, leaving the decision entirely up to your personal preference.

Is Collision Repair done at Dealerships?

Many car owners wonder if dealerships are equipped to handle collision repairs. Typically, dealerships boast their service departments with skilled technicians trained to address collision repairs specific to your make and model. However, the approach to collision repair may vary, as some dealerships opt to outsource body repair to third-party shops, often due to time and cost constraints.

While dealerships excel in standard repair work, their emphasis on swift vehicle repair sometimes leads to a focus on turnaround time rather than ensuring meticulous correction of collision-related bodywork issues.

Is body work done at dealerships?

Many dealerships undertake bodywork for the makes and models they sell, leveraging their expertise to address various issues. However, there are instances where dealerships may outsource this bodywork, especially if they face capacity constraints. The automotive industry pressures dealerships to expedite bodywork processes, with service fees and repair work often linked to estimated repair times.

In the dealership landscape, there’s a notable connection between service fees and repair durations. This linkage incentivizes service departments to prioritize quick repairs, aiming to complete jobs under the estimated hours. For dealerships, a speedy job completion translates into a profit.

Do Dealership Mechanics Do a Better Job?

The question of whether dealership mechanics hold an edge over their counterparts in independent body shops is a common one. Technicians at dealerships undergo factory training and have in-depth knowledge of the specific makes and models the dealership sells. However, the assumption that they are better than independent body shop technicians only sometimes holds true. Independent body shop technicians often undergo the same factory training, and their experience in the industry, exceptionally if extensive, can make them equally, if not more, proficient.

While dealership technicians specialize in the specific makes and models they sell, independent body shop technicians work on various vehicles. This exposure gives them a broader experience and technical know-how when repairing any vehicle. Additionally, independent body shops can obtain certification as Collision Centers for specific makes and models. This certification, independently granted by automakers, attests to the shop’s repair capability. For instance, automakers like Subaru, Honda, Volkswagen, and Tesla mandate specialized training and certification for specific repairs, further highlighting the competence of technicians in independent body shops.

Considerations Before Choosing Between Auto Body Repair Shops and Dealerships

When deciding where to take your vehicle for collision repair, three key factors come into play—price, experience, and parts. These elements are pivotal in guiding car owners to choose between a local collision repair shop and their neighborhood dealer:

  1. Price
  2. Experience
  3. Parts


When it comes to the price of car repairs, independent shops emerge as the cost-effective choice, outshining dealerships in terms of affordability. On average, individuals opting for dealership services are shelling out more for car repairs. In contrast, independent shops offer a compelling solution for cost-conscious car owners, providing an avenue to save significantly on necessary repairs.


The ongoing discourse surrounding the experience and proficiency of mechanics on both sides of the spectrum tends to sway back and forth. However, what remains undisputed is the work environment’s distinct nature: dealership mechanics predominantly focus on specific car brands, while their independent counterparts engage with a broader spectrum of vehicles.

Dealership mechanics inherently possess a depth of knowledge about the particular car brand they specialize in, potentially translating to more adept work fueled by their brand-specific expertise. However, it’s crucial to note that this expertise does not guarantee superior performance. Independent mechanics could be more knowledgeable despite working on a diverse range of vehicles.


In acquiring parts for your car’s distinct repairs, most garages possess access to the necessary components. However, a notable distinction arises in the availability of certain parts, with dealerships holding an advantage due to their specialization in specific makes and models. Dealerships, with their exclusive focus on particular cars, often have more readily available access to specialty parts, demonstrating an in-depth knowledge of their availability.

The dedicated focus of dealerships on specific car brands translates to an intimate understanding of specialty parts and their availability. While most garages can source the required components, the targeted expertise of dealership staff in dealing exclusively with specific makes and models enhances their ability to procure and work with specialty parts more efficiently.

Make the Right Choice for Your Vehicle

Ultimately, the decision of where to take your car for repairs is personal, with its own set of costs and benefits, regardless of the path you choose. Dealerships may offer specialized knowledge tailored to your car, but independent shops often present a more budget-friendly alternative. The key lies in conducting thorough research before deciding, ensuring that the chosen option aligns with your needs and preferences.

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